We offer a select range of poultry breeds for sale including the consistent laying ISA Browns & Australorp X, which are great backyard layers. All our chickens are vaccinated against Mareks providing you with happy and healthy Chickens.
When available our day old chicks are vent sexed when born but this does not guarantee that they will all be female. Due to our bio-security measures no outside birds including roosters can be returned to our property as it has the potential of cross contaminating our flock. We don't offer any replacement, credit or refund in the event that you end up with a rooster. Once you have purchased chicks or young pullets you accept that you have made an informed decision based on the information provided.
We are happy to provide advice and assistance on all our breeds of chickens for sale.
This list below contains our breeds - as some breeds are not always available please contact us for an update.
With regard to our range of pure breeds we are no longer stocking or hatching them. We will continue to stock Isa Browns and Silkies pullets over the Autumn and Winter periods. Please refer to our Facebook page for updates.
Quick Links: Standard Breeds Bantams Commercial Breeds
Breed information supplied by www.backyardpoultry.com & Wikipedia
Description |
Cost Per Pullets |
Brahmas |
Not For Sale this Season
Silkie - Various Colours |
Description |
Cost Per Pullet |
X-Breed Black - (Australorp x New Hampshire) |
Isa Brown |
Abundant Layers | P 0407 384 069 | 3 Latta Road, Nar Nar Goon VIC 3812 | PO Box 87, Nar Nar Goon VIC 3812
Selected photos on this site were provided by Angelique Szucs Abundant Layers © 2021